Whats been happening??

Lock down has been interesting, I joined the Cornwall Cloth Mask group to provide masks to those that needed them, such as keyworkers etc.  An amazing group they have produced thousands of masks all donated by the loyal sewists, even Great Ormand Street asked them if they could provide 1500 in about 4 days.  The group set to, and managed 1350 which is an incredible feat, and all donated to good causes.

I’ve also had the time to play with ingredients, something which is great fun.  I’m in the process of finishing off a hair conditioner, make up cleanser, face cleanser and playing with gels to make hydrating face masks, and exfoliating foaming gels.  There are plans to make liquid soaps, and soap in a tin will be in production soon. Which is a neat little tin, containing a soap which will fit in your handbag or back pocket, so you always have access to a soap.

I have been researching ingredients for anti-wrinkle and scar reducing products. Nearly there it all takes time, and a lot of research as to which ingredients blend together.  If I used chemicals life would be easier, but as I don’t and believe passionately in the power of essential oils, butters and oils in just takes that bit longer.

If anyone gets the chance there is a new website called ‘Eco Honesty’, great new site with lots of interesting items on.

More to follow and keep safe



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